I just finished watching Tarkovsky's Solaris. This is the first time I ever experienced a movie like this. It took me almost a week to finish it. It's so slow-paced so I had to pause, sleep, and continue the next day. I just realized it's parallel to Kris Kelvin's experience in the station. A series of oscillating memories, realities, and dreams. During the day, the images in the movie stayed in mind and intermixing with my reality. And at night, both got mixed together in my dreams. Actually, I discovered a new way to experience a film by wacthing it in segments, just like reading a novel. This is the perfect cinematic “blur” project. Cool. The end of the film, however, is very perplexing to me. It shows an island appearing on the ocean of Solaris. Did he eventually return to earth? Or is that showing the alien form adapting to the consciousness of human and evolving after interacting psychic-ly with Kris? Or did Tarkovsky prophecy the end of socialism in Russia? : ) I am curious to know your personal reading of that.