I got into a car accident today in Csy's car. We were driving out to lunch when we were hit on the driver side by a big Dakota SUV. The car spun around and hit a wood electric pole. The driver’s glass shattered, all the airbags came out, and overall the car was in pretty bad shape, an 8-inch indent into the frame. All that happened within a mile of where I live, an easy and slow residential neighborhood, and is actually on my daily route to work. A police car, a fire truck, and a fire ambulance all came within five minutes, no wonder it is the UAFD. We went to ER because Csy had some minor cuts and muscle ache. But thanks God, there was no major body injury to both of us.
The impact was really shocking and had shaken me quite a bit. It’s not enough to be careful, because you can’t control what other people will do right? Life comes at you fast, hah… it’s so true. This accident adds to the list of people I know that got into major car accidents like this: Ken, Henry, John, Sam, Andre, and now me. What a way to start a new year! Be careful on the road out there.