28 February 2008

What is God's color?

I was reading James McBride’s 2006 memoir The Color of Water. I picked up his book unexpectedly in my local bookstore when I was looking for some books on Martin Luther King Jr.’s at the African American month section. Well as you probably know, I mentioned him a few blogs back about the Spike Lee talk that I attended. He was sort of the interviewer in that award and appreciation event for Lee. Later I learned that he was also the author of the 2002 novel Miracle at St. Anna that is being made into a film directed by Lee.

So, I was just curious thinking this must be another novel he wrote. It grabbed me immediately by the subtitle that it is actually his memoir and “A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother”. First page, ehm interesting, I thought. Second page, wow, this is an unusually interesting story, I was drawn (or drown, doesn’t matter which word) in so deeply after that. Now I understood the real reason he wrote the novel Miracle. Well, I say my thought about his real reason, there was actually funny moment that night at Lee’s talk and kind of revealing the humble character of McBride. He asked Lee, why did he want to make this movie, Miracle? Lee quickly replied, something like this, ‘you understated your role man, YOU are actually the one who came up with this great story.’ Then Mc Bride explained the reason or the origin of the novel for him, which registered in my impression of that time just as a typical writer’s interest on a particular issue. He also added that compared to the huge success of his previous novel, Miracle was actually doing very poorly in the market before Lee made it into a film.

But, I think the real reason he wrote that novel is not merely a writer interested on a particular issue but instead it is a deep personal existential urge. It can be found in his memoir, The Color of Water. The story in Miracle (see my Feb 12th blog entry) is so intertwined with his own personal life, his family, and mostly his beloved ‘Ma’. He dedicated the memoir to “my mother, her mother, and mothers everywhere.”. In that memoir, he talks directly to your soul about his mother who “raised twelve black children and sent us all to college and in most cases graduate school. Her children became doctors, professors, chemists, teachers – yet none of us even knew her maiden name until we were grown. It took me fourteen years to unearth her remarkable story – the daughter of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, she married a black man in 1942 – and she revealed it more as a favor to me than out of any desire to revisit her past.”

This is a story about a mother’s pure and saintly love. I and probably most people would rarely cry reading a book. But I did on this one because I was so emotionally moved. Try it, read this book, you would probably cry too. Read it also to grow your soul. You will be so grateful about life, love, and family. You will look up at the ceiling and say ‘ah, life is beautiful, indeed.’

Some thoughts to Antony's article forward

I agree with you Ton... the global economy is always changing... Gua yakin akan ada gelombang pertumbuhan ekonomi berikutnya setelah negara-2 yang sedang bertumbuh pesat (dengan steroid) saat ini seperti Cina , India , and Rusia mencapai suatu level yang lebih stabil.. nah the 1 million dollar question, will we be ready... we better... soalnya akan banyak negara-2 lain yang hampir siap... tetangga manis kita Malaysia, they are actually already ahead of us, trus Vietnam yang sedang sibuk berbenah and mempercantik diri, Thailand juga diam-2 menunggu opportunity mereka untuk reclaim title sebagai macan Asia Tenggara, of course juga ada negara-2 dari region lain seperti Kazakhstan, Rumania, Polandia, Ukraine yang sedang aktif membangun juga..Semua negara itu mempunyai kesamaan dan berpotential besar karena mereka mempunya human dan natural resources yang besar... just like Indo.. so kalo kita, generasi muda Indonesia tidak siap, kita akan ketinggalan kereta sekali lagi...

Ini sesuatu yang harus menjadi latar belakang kegiatan kita, terutama generasi muda yang berada di luar negeri. Kita haru mempunyai suatu rasa tanggung jawab untuk mengemban "generational mission" ini dalam segala aspek hidup kita, bekerja, belajar, bermain, dan berkreasi. Generasi muda Indonesia mempunyai sejarah yang tidak kalah dengan bangsa-2 besar lain dalam hal menjadi "agent of change" dalam waktu-2 kritikal bangsa-nya. Anak-2 muda Indonesia tahun 20-an yang sedang sekolah di Belanda (Moh. Hatta dkk.) maupun yang sekola dalam negeri (Soekarno dkk.) berjasa besar memperjuangkan bukan hanya kemerdekaan tetapi lebih penting lagi derajat kita semua sebagai suatu bangsa. Tom Brokaw, jurnalis terkenal, menulis buku tentang Ang 45 sebagai “the greatest generation” bangsanya. Menurut saya, the greatest generation kita adalah Angkatan 20 itu. Peran yang sama juga dilakukan Angkatan 45, 66, and yang terakhir, I would include, anak-2 muda Angkatan 98 yang baru saja menyelesaikan tanggung jawab sejarah mereka. So now, 10 tahun kemudian, tongkat estafet ada di tangan kita… seperti kata Antony , “Time for our generation to seize the day” .

It’s time to think about our existence as part of a larger whole. A whole that is much bigger than the parts combined. Don’t miss the next wave of global and economic development. Be prepared, work hard, study hard, be a “good” representative for Indonesia wherever you are placed. A lot of work to do as we are competing with the young generations from those countries I mentioned above. We all need to be global and savvy. No time to complain. Tetap semangat. Indonesia Raya.

24 February 2008

yeah, they won...

glen and marketa's falling slowly just won the oscar for original song, ten mins ago... alriteeee.. 'keep dreaming' she said at the end... just suddenly thinking about my good friends... ton and daize...

12 February 2008


... just came back from talk by Spike Lee. I was introduced to his work first in the video editing class I took in grad school. I was quite impressed and thought that he must be more popular in the indie film scene. Well, that's also because I haven't seen any of his feature films. But that might not be so true now after looking at the list of films (and provocations) he produced combined with the jam-packed auditorium tonight. Quite an interesting night... learned that he was in the same class as Ang Lee in NYU back in the 80s... He also talked about his upcoming movie, the Miracle at St. Ana, based on a novel by James McBride. It features a really important but often neglected stories of the all black soldiers from US 92nd Division that fought in WW2 in Italy. I was quite honored tonight actually because they managed to bring two of the WW2 veterans from that batalion in the audience. It is moment like this in your life that keeps you inspired in a sublime way... something that's always etched in you and all your creative works...

09 February 2008

The Living Room


I am listening to Sia right now... very cool voice and music. Really help the mood while I am working from home Friday night. Sometimes I am very curious about my taste of music, it seems that I am always attracted to female singers with distinctive, light, and cool voice. Is that my personal preference, something unique to me or it is just a more banal-bio-evolutionalistic instinct of all guys? I would like to believe it is the first one. If it's more of the second, does that mean most women are more likely to listen to male vocals with deep bariton voice?

Check out Sia's website to listen to most of her songs and see a few weird music videos... http://www.siamusic.net/

04 February 2008

02 February 2008

When you are past 25

The weirdiest thing just happened, dad just called me out of nowhere asking me to email somebody I don’t know. This is the second time he called me in a week, that’s quite unusual because we usually talk once every several months. Yeah, that might be strange to you but believe it or not, that’s normal to us. Anyway, when he called me Monday or Tuesday morning, I was working in the office frantically for a deadline so the call was really unexpected (and unwanted). Especially when he told me about a daughter of his business friend and asked me to introduce myself to her. I said ‘what…..?!’ and then went into another room away from my desk. I just kept smiling afterward, couldn’t believe it. Other than getting a first dating lesson from my dad, the idea is just so silly to me.

Maybe there is a preconception in me about the notion of match marriage or match dating as desperate and .. ehm, lame? That preconception might not be true, because at least one-sixth of the world population, the South Asians, think otherwise. I have heard from many people that match marriage is actually quite beautiful because you get to fall in love slowly and deeper after the wedding day. That concept doesn’t make sense to many of us I think because we are so preconditioned to the modern slash western way of marriage/courting. But that modern slash western concept of marriage or courting is also changing all the time and has never always be like we know it today. And many will point out to the high divorce rate in our society today with what we think as the ‘ideal’ way of courting or marriage.

I remember Jhumpa Lahiri’s and Mira Nair’s Namesake, one of my reference film. It’s a really good movie if you haven’t watched it yet. One of the background themes is actually about the culture of arranged marriage. She explores the issue with two examples that have two different outcomes. The first is between Ashoke and Ashima. That’s the perfect example of falling in love after the wedding. The second is between their son Gogol and Moushoumi. Their’s is not an arranged marriage in a traditional sense but can still be categorized as “arranged marriage” and it doesn’t work out well.

Another thing comes in my mind is when I watched the news a few days ago, Bill Clinton was asked by a young girl, what is marriage like. He said marriage is like when you meet a person who becomes your best friend. And the best part is you get to live with your best friend for the rest of your life. His answer is actually quite eloquent, although it’s kind of weird to hear it from Bill.

So now let’s get back to my problem. What should I do? My dad’s idea still sounds silly to me after all the dialectic above inside my mind. Not that I don’t know how to express my feelings to girls, because I do… or at least I think I do. I know some people will be skeptical about this because of the nerdy way I write my blogs. But asked K, she will tell you. Talking about her, ehm, that’s one the reasons I am hesitant to think about another date. I still can’t forget her. Now I understood all the country singers who are always lamenting about losing their women. It is not that we can not forget or move on and become suicidal but it’s because when after you are in a deep relationship with some one, the feelings and memories can never disappear, instead they are ingrained in you heart.

Well, these are the sort of things you have to deal with when you are past 25, parents trying to get you a date.

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