I am glad today I got to learn some Russian from Kate. I have been wanting to know how to say properly the names of the famous Russians that I know. It's cool for to hear the names pronounced as they should be and not anglicized. I still need to practice many times or I will forget... Fyodor Dostoevky, Anton Chekov, Malevich, Dziga Vertov, Andrei Tarkovsky, Aleksandr Sokurov... with lots of emphasis on the RRRR, SHHH, FHHHH. Talking about Russian language, was it you, Sri, who told me a story one time about your friend who was studying in Moscow during their hard time in the 90s?
Yesterday, lunch time, I took them to short tour of the campus, primarily to see the archictecture school and the Wexner Center, two of my favorite contemporary buildings in town. Tomorrow will also be interesting as we will go to Akron to see Coop Himmelblau's museum. The last time I visited that building with John R when it was still under construction. Looking forward to it.