It was April 13th, 2009 11.40 AM when I encountered it. A moment I will never forget. Walking up out from the subway station at Olympiapark, I unexpectedly arrived right in front of the Welt in Muenchen. It was really a breathtaking project. I was absolutely stunned. W. Prix once told us that one moment in his life that got him into architecture is Corb’s La Tourette. He visited the site when he was young and mesmerized by it. Before that he was already quite familiar with what an architect does. His father was an architect and he spent many times in his office. But his presence at La Tourette was the defining moment. He said to himself, “if this is architecture then he wants to do it.” Munich is that moment for me. After Firminy and Munich. It sealed my fate to architecture. I have to say sorry to my other personalities and closed the door for them. I think this is what I will do for the rest of my life. I will spend my life to do this kind of architecture… architecture that is so heavy and light, architecture that gives so generously to the city, to the people, and to the individuals. Whether I arrived there or not, although it will take many turns and detours, but that is my direction.
Most importantly my main motivation and faith in the ability of architecture to subvert social and political structure is confirmed. Architecture is not a decorated shed. I love Venice and I took pictures of the Palladios there, but the Renaissance turbulences are far over. I saluted Borromini for starting this impulse to deconstruct the classical. I appreciated the Baroque for demonstrating their uncomfortness with the return to classical movement. Although we, today, owed Alberti for pioneering the discursive practice of architecture but the manifestation of his theory and the blooming of Renaissance and it’s many off-springs was regrettable, I think. If Firminy ends a 100-year chapter in modernism, then Munich starts the next one. It is anti-facade, anti-classical, and downright modern that is it’s embrace and search for cinematic effects with architecture.