14 June 2009

black magic berry

I have used a Blackberry for less than a month now. It is the most amazing thing, no 3 in my personal list (the first one is airplane, second is petebakar). You may have noticed that I sometimes posted my blog from it. And now I am typing this in my car on the trip from Samarinda to Bontang and I used blackberry as a modem for the tiny acer netbook. The last time I had an internet connection while moving was on the hi-speed Thalys from Amsterdam to Paris. I was quite stratled at that time thinking if Einstein is still alive he would probably think the same too. So having an internet on the move is huge technological feat for mankind, in my opinion. And I can use it just with a blackberry is really cool. That thing is like a black magic. And it is much cooler than Iphone. So are the users. : )

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