27 April 2010
The Confession of an Amateur
I think my affair with this profession will continue to define my life for many years to come. This perpetual dialog between me and the inanimate stones and bricks around us continue to occupy the majority of my daily conscience. I am geekized. For example, I am currently working on a private residence or more like a villa for a private developer. This is it finally the house project. Of course I am brain dead suddenly and so unwilling to access all the canonical houses studied in school. Just want to jump ahead, yeah, head first. :) Then you know having fun for the first minutes and then the black hole.. the white paper becoming really oppresive because suddenly unable to think "innovatively", the problem of how not to become an amateruish amateur? Ok as a good student of Modernist, the ghost of Corb will always there vividly hanging in front of your eyes. But how to do a good Corb? This diminutivetating sense descending upon you and I still has blank sheet of paper without any lineatiation that is useful. And this fear is new to me. Interesting experience nonetheless.