29 December 2007

Falling Slowly

Did you ever wake up in the middle of your night sleep at 5.30 am on Saturday and then stay up jaded because you couldn’t decide what to do? It’s weird isn’t it? I went to bed around 2.30 am after spending some time writing the script. I stopped writing because I was kind of stuck and needed some time to think. So I went to bed reading a little bit of Erin Brockovich, Bournce Ultimatum, and then Chris Marker’s La Jetee! (don’t try it at home, …will not ever do that again!) I didn’t have enough neuron power to read the first two that much but got immersed into the last one, La Jetee. That night, or this early morning, or three hours ago, agh…whatever, I finally able to comprehend the real brilliance of that work since I was first introduced to it in a theory seminar in grad school four or five years ago. It really is a powerful and superb piece of work!

So, after that reading, it started the ticking bomb inside my skull, I closed my eyes but continued to think about the possibilities for my script. I actually woke up because it was so insane inside my skull, it seemed like there is another life on it’s own and I couldn’t control it. I was so intense on thinking and planning what I will do on Saturday. One of it is I couldn’t decide whether to go shopping with the girls and Johan or do some test recording with Daisy and Nikko, both of which I really want to do if I have two time universe. I woke up still dreaming or imagining doing the recording. Andrea, does that kind of things happen to you as a writer? What would you call that?

I know I used to do that in school, trying to think of a solution or idea for a project during sleep. That also reminds me of what Jose, my 70+ years old teacher and one the last disciples of Le Corbusier alive, used to tell me about the importance of having a passion in what you do. He said he used to wake up in the middle of the night and take a walk trying to think about a project. That’s what we need to have in doing something, the passion, he said. I always remember that one. So what now. It’s 6 o’clock on Saturday morning, don’t feel sleepy at all but too jaded to do anything else. I am just ‘falling slowly’, like Glen Hansard’s song in Once, into the insanity of ideas.

21 December 2007

Today's Script

It was a nice day today.
Woke up in the morning, went to the office.
Had a cup of coffee and a banana for breakfast.
Did some works for Jordan and Kazakh.
Helped Marija a little bit with Kuwait.
Got off work around two and drove Achong to a few places, Walmart, Halfrpice, Meijer, Partyshop, applying for jobs.
Walked around Walmart.
Took a short nap in my car waiting for him filling the application.
A coffee from Meijer.
Bought Hillsong’s new remix CD and a book by Tommy Kyllonen, the hip-hop pastor.
Went to Cissy’s holiday party, met a group of very interesting people: Bob, Sally, Jay, Sandya, Bruce, Mousam, Mark, Carlos, Harsh, Steve, Lyndell, Aleks, and Anastasia.
Borrowed Wilco’s new album, Sky Blue Sky.
It is the Christmas weekend, that’s why...
Enjoy the love. Merry Christmas!

18 December 2007


dream, late morning, i was driving a big car, ford f-150 (parked beside my car yesterday), unstopable, driving through a bridge and plunged to a river, a tall bridge, planned to get out after the plunge, running from something, like hollywood action movie (I am Legend that I saw last weekeend?), archana had a baby, there is one more but i forget...

14 December 2007

07 December 2007

The Pursuit of Unhappiness

I met with Owen again. I first saw him in the special care unit of the hospital when he was born a couple weeks early. Always a delight and joy to watch and play with him. But that’s the thing though that makes me thinking while I am here. See, I love to play with little kids... but to have one? Ehm...I am not so sure. After looking at the efforts and care that my sister and her husband put in to take care of one child, kids are not as fun as I thought anymore. I have always felt that way... I love to hang out with nephews and nieces but when it's time for maintainace, I would fled from scene of crime as fast as I can.

Also, being the last in line in my family to be married is not fun. I have to observe all the challenges of raising kids and see the other side of the marriage coin, the unhappiness, the endless complaints, in-laws, etc. So, is that good or bad? People would say that’s a good experience but as for me at this point, it is not.

05 December 2007


I am in Torrance now visiting sis, mom and little o.

This should be the last of my three consecutive weeks of going back and forth from Ohio Missouri Ohio Illinois Ohio California Ohio. These trips were not really planned but all these events just happened side by side and I just have to go to all of them for various reasons. So for the last three weeks I usually worked Monday and Tuesday and then spend the rest of the week out... Imagine if that could be a lifestyle it would probably be fun.

I am sure this is creating a hassle for 'Mr Manager', but there is something more important in life than work, right? Especially after Fred's passing away and me realizing how tragic the timing is, just as he was getting ready to retire with all the benefits and wealth he had accumulated over the last forty years. But I am sure he has had an enjoyable life and career as well.

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