30 May 2010

Goodness is Sweet

Sometimes I think I am too naïve about people... I still hold on to the belief that all people is essentially good in the core if you can see it. And those other uglier things in life are the chemical reactions.. emanating, bouncing off from each of us.

Well, there are times when I doubt that personal belief or principle or worldview about people but always return back to my initial belief. The reason is always because of the goodness I receive from some people. Yeah, there are quite a lot of jerks in this world and have to admit sometimes I am one of them too to other people. There are also quite a few incredibly good people that almost always in constant proportion to the jerks. It is through these encounters with genuinely good people that I can take more bad people in life. It is strange.. As if good/kindness is more expensive or more valuable than the uglier things in life.

Goodness is sweet.

May again

It's the end of May. Time is not passing away fast but intense. Just waiting at the airport now, yeah, meaning that I can bring books that I couldn't read at home and has a few free times to do it in transit or travel.

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