03 August 2007


Hey, I think I have found something that is more irrational than love. It is the thing called affection. When I was in grad school, that was actually the hotness of the day, the theory of affects. It had become an interesting intellectual discourse, one that I am still influenced by too. But that’s affects in my nerdy world. What I am interested in this blog is about affection in the world of feelings, the ‘real’ world, the John and Jane world... Here are some basic definitions from dictionary, one, a moderate feeling or emotion, two, tender attachment, three, the feeling aspect of consciousness.

I am very curious about how other people’s experience about it. For sure, I had it every now and then, not always. But when I had it toward a woman, it was a great feeling. Like the definitions above, it is something soft and elusive like a thin coat of soap bubble on your heart. You can have affection in several ways. It could be somebody that is older or younger (slightly) than you that is affecting your comfort. It could be somebody that you admire or respect. It could be somebody new that has something that your current relationship couldn’t provide, etc.

But one that drives me crazy, and the most irrational, is that you can be affected by a person without even knowing that person or seeing her physically. I am sure that is something different from falling in love. That is affectation or “the state of being affected.” You know what I mean? Did you ever feel that sensation? Did you enjoy it or you just forget about it? Do you think people from different ages experience it differently? Did you, all the women out there, experience it differently than us? Let me know.

PS: Ken, you are the one that used that word a lot (including one for my ex-girlfriend!!!). If you are reading this: how is it going? How is your after-affects life so far...

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